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    Pre viac informácií kliknite tuto!

Verzia 0.17

Uzavreté pre ďalšie odpovede.


Hello Kings and Queens,

Update 0.17 will be implemented on the EN server on September 19th, 2012. A short downtime may occure due to the update. Also please be aware that additional downtime on that day may follow if we encounter bugs. We thank you in advance for your patience and consideration. Please read the update disclaimers below:

Attention- Update disclaimers:
-Though the colonial age is on the test server with 0.17, the colonial age will NOT be implemented on the EN server with 0.17. We plan to implement it with a later update on all servers. The reason for this is that the version requires further testing to improve it's quality.

-Due to some changes in the battle system, all ongoing battles that are happening during the 0.17 update will be reset. If you are in a battle and your world updates the battle will be cancelled. Your units(that are still alive) will gain full health and return to your city. Please be aware of this.

- The Hibernation mode(after idle phase) has been improved and now increases the gaming performance for players (especially for "older" computers).
- A profile text limitation has been implemented.
- New icons were created for collecting boosted supplies and coins.

- Moving units sometimes caused the game to crash. This issue has been fixed.
- The mounted units can now move across all hex fields on the battlefield.
- On some occasions the battle points were not calculated correctly. This has been fixed.
- The autobattle button, will no longer cause the game to crash (caused by too many steps to predict).
- The health-bar animation in the menu-bar is now paced correctly to the battle.
- In the Army management window changes were saved despite using the "X". Pressing X will no longer save your changes.
- Unit buffs are now displayed in the unit tool-tip bar (if they have one).
- The autobattle button no longer erases your last unfinished troops movement.

- [Build Clapboard houses] The reward for this quest was increased from 1500 coins to 2000 coins.
- [update the soldier] - The quest icon now loads correctly.
- [Beauty of the High Middle Ages] can now be successfully completed.
- Quests will now consider your age progression to a certain extent.

- changing your e-mail address did not work in some cases. This has been fixed.
- Cancelling an invitation to a guild in the administration tab causes the game to crash at times. This has been fixed.
- An error which causes not all your neighbours to appear in the social bar has been corrected.
- Registering your e-mail address now correctly gives diamonds.
- Long names in the social bar are no longer simply cut off.
- Abandoned guilds are now correctly deleted.
- It is now possible to withdraw a declined guild invitation.
- The goods prices were sometimes displayed wrong in the goods production menu. This has been corrected.
- Goods are now correctly added and subtracted for all players.
- A negative time in the forge points bar no longer spawns after a resource collection.
- Some PVE units seemed to have no health before the battle. They are now cured from their zombie state
- A sound was added when production starts in the Tannery
- The footers in the guild forum polls have been fixed.
- The link in the mail "Your spies have spotted new Neighbours!" is now a hotlink.
- Guild member titles are now formatted correctly.
- The Game favicon on the browser-tabs has been improved.

We would like to thank the community for all its' posts and contributions. Your help is very much appreciated. Due to your efforts many bugs have been fixed.


The Forge of Empires Team

Keď to je u nich tak behom 7.dní to dojde ku nám


to je síce fajn, ale valná hromada hráčov na tom ich test servri nie je vôbec aktívna...a aj veľká väčšina hráčov z prvej stovky. to by som rád vedel ako chcú testovať dalšiu dobu ked tam je pár hráčov iba a dokonca zvolávajú na ten test server aj z anglického ofi servra hráčov tam...ktovie či im dajú možnosť testu hned poslednej doby...ale o tom celkom pochybujem...je to také divné...najskôr to tam nechali upadnúť a teraz ratujú


j, mali skôr dávať ďalšiu dobu. Po koloniálnej dobe to ešte viac upadne. Inak, tie časy a ceny prečo sú tam také (neviem, či som spomínal), sú imho kvôli tomu testovaniu. Po ostrom nasadení to zvýšia každé na tie odhadované hodnoty +-, predsa len aby to nebola "rychlovka".


Nie, hráči čo odišli, tak z nich sa vráti malý počet. A čím neskôr to bude, tým viac ľudí ešte odíde. A získať nových hráčov na browser hry v dnešnej dobe je pomerne ťažké. pretože ponuka týchto hier je tak rozsiahla, že ľudia potom siahnu po inom.


V tom máš pravdu kvôli tomu to musia dať čo najskôr. :D


no tak to ja mám pocit že oni to už akosi premeškali...teda neviem...ale už sa to viacmenej zvrhlo len na vyzbieravanie surovín a stále dokola tie isté boje. nie som istý či toto bude tá najlepšia hra roka...je to hra čo nemá žiaden koniec, zatial ani poriadnu myšlienku...začiatok je fajn...zaujímavo vyzerá, ale potom už nič...


Robia si SRANDU????
Sledujte toto :
Cze to bude mať 25.9. 2012.
Aj my to chceme !! Mauricius ozvy sa prosím kedy to bude a či to bude.

Toto písali o tej novej dobre :
Přestože je koloniální věk již připraven, nebude do hry uveden v updatu 0.17. Plánujeme ho dodat v pozdějším updatu na všechny světy. Důvodem je, že tato verze ještě potřebuje testování, abychom ji mohli dovést k dokonalosti.
Naposledy upravené moderátorom:
Uzavreté pre ďalšie odpovede.